Roseola (aka sixth disease) is a disease of children  Sx In older children, manifestations limited to: Fever of about 3 days duration Transient rash (exanthem), that follows [img]roseola-rash.jpg[/img] Source: Prime health channel Pathophysiology Caused by 2 HHV (human...
Obstructed labour
Obstructed labour (aka labour dystocia) is when, even though the uterus is contracting normally, the baby doesn't exit the pelvis during childbirth, due to being physically blocked. Cause Large or abnomally positioned...
Antithrombin III deficiency
Antithrombin III deficiency (ATIII deficiency) is a deficiency of antithrombin III. Antithrombin is a protein produced by the liver, that inactivates several enzymes of the coagulation system. It causes recurrent thrombosis...
Esophageal varices
Esophageal varices is extremely dilated submucosal veins in the lower 1/3rd of the esophagus. Cause Portal HTN, most often, commonly due to cirrhosis Sx Strong tendency to develop bleeding Dx Endoscopy See also Upper GI bleed
Bradypnea (from Greek "brady" meaning "slow", "pnea" meaning "breath") is abnormally slow RR. Dx Definition depends upon the Pt's age, including: <1yo, <30bpm <3yo, <25bpm <12yo, <20bpm <50yo, <12bpm >50yo, <13bpm Sx Dizziness Fainting (or near-fainting) Fatigue Weakness Chest pains SOB Memory impairment or confusion Tiring easily...
Perinatal death
Perinatal death (aka perinatal mortality, PNM) is the stillbirth and death of a fetus/neonate from 3rd trimester forth (>24 weeks gestation), and within the first seven completed days after birth...
Hematoma is a collection of blood within the tissue (outside the blood vessels). [faq]What is hematoma? I'm guessing it relates to heme, so blood? Yeah, so it's a collection of blood, within...
Observation chart
Observation chart (obs chart) is a chart used to quickly determine the degree of illness of a Pt. Being between the flags (aka early warning score, EWS) means that the observations are...
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease (aka heart disease) are diseases involving the heart, kidney, and peripheral arterial diseases. Classification Coronary artery disease/Ischemic heart disease Cardiomyopathy Hypertensive heart disease Heart failure Pulmonary heart disease Cardiac arrhythmias Inflammatory heart disease (endocarditis, myocardis, inflammatory...
Bronchoconstriction is the constriction of the airways in the lungs, due to the tightening of surrounding smooth muscle, with subsequent coughing, wheezing, and SOB. Cause [[Emphysema]] [[Asthma]] Exercise and allergies, in an otherwise asymptomatic...
Definition count: 2819
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