Diabetes (DM) is high blood sugar over a prolonged period. Pathophysiology [[Type 1 diabetes]], where the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin (thus formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes). Its onset is in childhood...
Barbiturate are CNS depresants, that can produce a spectrum of effect. Examples Allobarbital Amobarbital Aprobarbital Alphenal Barbital Brallobarbital Pentobarbital Phenobarbital (aka Phenobarbitone), a long-acting barbiturate, used widely as an antiepileptic medication [img]phenobarbital.jpg[/img] Source: AsiaPharma Syria Secobarbital Sodium thiopental (thiopentone), an ultra-short acting barbiturate Effects From mild sedation to...
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy (aka eccyesis) is a pregnancy complication, where the embryo attaches outside the uterus. [faq]What's an ectopic? Ectopic generally means something in a location that it's not supposed to. In the...
Angelman syndrome
Angelman syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder, involving severe intellectual and developmental disability, sleep disturbance, seizures, jerky movements (especially hand flapping), ferquent laughter or smiling, and usually a happy demeanor.
Hormone replacement therapy
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a course of Tx involving receiving hormones, to supplement a lack of hormones. It includes, for: Menopause, because of diminished circulating estrogen and progesterone hormones causing discomfort,...
Angiography (from Greek "angio" meaning "vessel", and "graphy" meaning "to write") is medical imaging to visualize the lumen (inside) of blood vessels and organs of the body, with particular interest...
Digoxin is used in the Tx of various heart conditions, by increasing heart contractility, and decreasing heart rate. Product names include Cardigox, Cardiogoxin, Cardioxin, Cardoxin, Coragoxine, Digacin, Digicor, Digomal, Digon, Digosin, Digoxine...
Protein-losing enteropathy
Protein-losing enteropathy is any condition of the GI tract (e.g. damage to the gut wall), taht results in a net loss of protein from the body. Sx Diarrhea Fever General abdominal discomfort Swelling of legs,...
Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Crigler-Najjar syndrome is a rare inherited disorder, affecting the metabolism of bilirubin (chemical formed from the breakdown of the heme in RBC's). It is caused by a form of nonhemolytic...
Mitral facies
Plum-red discoloration of the cheeks, associated with mitral stenosis, due to CO2 retention and its vasodilatory effects. [img]malar-flush.jpg[/img] Source: MyHealthyFeeling
Definition count: 2819
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