Group and hold
Group and hold (aka group and screen, G&S, or type and screen) are tests conducted prior to blood transfusion. [faq]What's group and hold? Tests done before a blood transfusion. What's a blood transfusion? Where you get...
Rhinitis (aka coryza) is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. The most common type is allergic rhinitis (aka hayfever). Sx Stuffy nose Runny nose Post-nasal drip See also Cold Hayfever
Trismus is limited mouth opening (reduced opening of the jaws), especially caused by spasm of the muscles of mastication. Sx Interferes w/ eating, speech, oral hygiene, and can alter facial appearance May be...
[Resin based] composites (aka filled resins) are a composite (i.e. material made from 2+ constituent materials w/ dissimilar properties) of a resin-based oligomer matrix (like epoxy resins, e.g. bis-GMA, TEGMA,...
Jaundice (from French "jaun" meaning "yellow", aka icterus) is yellowish pigmentation of the skin, conjunctiva, and other mucous membranes. [faq]What does jaundice mean? It sounds like someone who's being a bit...
Respiratory examination
Respiratory exam is performed as part of a physical exam. AE is shorthand for Air entry, referring to the intensity of breath sounds. A drawing of lungs with arrows through them, indicates there is nothing...
Cervical polyp
Cervical polyp is a common benign polyp (or tumor) on the surface of the cervical canal. Sx Irregular menstrual bleeding Often asymptomatic Tx Removal of the polyp Prognosis Good 1% of cervical polyps will show neoplastic change, which...
Menorrhagia (aka hematomunia) is abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual period [at regular intervals]. [faq]What is menorrhagia? I'm guessing it's related to menstruation? That's correct. The ending "rrhage" means excessive flow, like as in...
Fontanelle (aka soft spot) is an anatomical feature of the infant human skull, comprising any of the soft membranous gaps (sutures) between the cranial bones that make up the calvaria...
Measles (aka morbilli, rubeola) is a highly contagious infection caused by the measles virus. [faq]What is measles? It's a very contagious infection. It's caused by the measles virus.[/faq] Sx Sx develop 10-12 days after...
Definition count: 2819
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