Genital wart
Genital wart (aka condylomata acuminata, from Greek “kondylos” meaing “knuckle”, and “oma” meaning “disease”, venereal wart, anal wart, anogenital wart) are Sx of highly contagious STD caused by some types of...
X-ray is produced by an x-ray generator, and projected towards a body. The amount of x-ray absorbed is dependent on the particular density/composition of the tissue. The x-rays that pass through...
Height is the distance from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet whilst standing. Ht is shorthand for Height. Length (L) is used for infants reflecting that they cannot...
Heparin (from Greek "hepar" meaning "liver") is an injectable anticoagulant.
[faq]What is heparin?
It's a drug, that prevents blood from clotting, which we call an anticoagulant. It's injected, as supposed to warfarin which...
Atelectasis (from Greek "atelec" meaning "incomplete", and "ectasis" meaning "extension") is collapse/closure of the lung, causing reduced/absent gas exchange.
It may affect part or all of 1 lung
Condition where the alveoli...
Body temperature
Body temperature (shorthand Temp) is measured by a thermometer.
It depends on a number of factors, including:
Location of measurement, typically from highest to lowest, being internal (rectal, vaginal), oral, and then skin....
Polio[myelitis] (aka infantile paralysis) is an infectious disease, caused by the poliovirus.
[faq]Polio, is that related to the fashion brand, Ralph Lauren?
No, that's polo ;). Polio is an infection caused by...
Diuretics promote production of urine.
[faq]What's a diuretic?
It's a drug that makes you pee more.[/faq]
Loop diuretic (aka high ceiling), which may cause substantial diuresis of up to 20%, of filtered load of...
Edwards syndrome
Edwards syndrome (aka trisomy 18) is a chromosomal abnormality, caused by the presence of all, or part of, an extra 18th chromosome.
Almost always results from nondisjunction during meiosis
Named after the...
Dysgeusia (aka parageusia) is distortion of the sense of taste.
The sense of taste is tied together with other sensory systems
Ashma Tx w/ salbutamol
Zinc deficiency
Various drugs can also alter taste, and...