Shoulder dystocia
Shoulder dystocia is a case of obstructed labor, where shortly after the delivery of the head, the anterior shoulder of the infant can't pass below because it is obstructed by...
Premature ovarian failure
Premature ovarian failure (aka premature menopause) is the loss of function of the ovaries <40yo. A commonly cited triad for the Dx is amenorrhea, hypergonadotropism, and hypoestrogenism. If it has...
Gastroenteritis (aka infectious diarrhea, from "gastro" meaning "stomach", and "entero" meaning "small intestine") is an inflammation of the GI tract, involving both the stomach and small intestine, and is caused...
Diet are the foods consumed by a person. Dietary habits are habitual decisions an individual makes when choosing foods, and can define a culture and religion. Proper nutrition requires ingestion...
Anticholinergics inhibits parasympathetics, by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine [specifically, its binding to its receptor in neurons]. Parasympathetics are responsible for involuntary movement of smooth muscle present in the GI, urinary tract,...
Esophageal varices
Esophageal varices is extremely dilated submucosal veins in the lower 1/3rd of the esophagus. Cause Portal HTN, most often, commonly due to cirrhosis Sx Strong tendency to develop bleeding Dx Endoscopy See also Upper GI bleed
Quinolone are synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics. MOA Quinolones and its derivatives have also been isolated from natural sources, e.g. plants, animals, bacteria, and can act as natural antimicrobials or signalling molecules It exerts its...
Bare weight involves weighing a bare child. Wt is an abbreviation for Weight. Birth weight is the body weight of a baby at birth. BW is an abbreviation for either Bare weight...
Induced abortion is the intentional killing of a fetus/embryo, by forcing it out of a womb before it is able to survive of its own. Late termination of pregnancy (aka late-term...
Alpha blocker
Alpha blockers are antagonists of the alpha-adrenergic receptors. Purpose Raynaud's disease HTN Scleroderma Benign prostatic hyperplasia Anxiety and panic disorders, including: Generalized anxiety disorder Panic disorder PTSD Classification Non-selective alpha-adrenergic blockers, including: Phenoxybenzamine Phentolamine Tolazoline Trazodone Typical and atypical antipsychotics Selective alpha1-adrenergic blockers, including: Alfuzosin Prazosin Doxazosin Tamulosin Terazosin Silodosin Selective alpha2-adrenergic blockers, including: Atipamezole Idazoxan Mirtazapine (also...
Definition count: 2819
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