Flapping tremor
Flapping tremor is, when the hand is outstretched, and wrist is bent upward, the Pt is unable to actively maintain the position, but instead, tremors with jerky movement, resembling a...
Hyperglycemia (from Greek "hyper" meaning "excessive", "glyc" meaning "sweet", "emia" meaning "blood", aka high blood sugar) is excessive amoutn of glucose circulating in the blood. Sx Triad of: Polyuria (frequent urination), as high...
Gestational age
Gestational age (GA, aka menstrual age, weeks gestation, WG) is a measure of the age of pregnancy, where the origin is the woman's last normal menstrual period (LMP), or the...
Thiazide is a diuretic that is used to Tx HTN (hypertension) and edema (e.g. caused by heart, liver, or kidney disease). Examples include: Benzothiadiazine Chlorothiazide Hydrochlorothiazide Pathophysiology It acts on the DCT (distal convoluted tubule), and inhibit the...
Kidney function test
Kidney function tests are tests which help check the kidneys are working properly. Physiology Kidney is a bean shaped organs located at the rear of the abdominal cavity (retroperitoneum). It receives blood...
Epididymitis is discomfort/pain of the epididymis (i.e. a curved structure at the back of the testicle, in which sperm matures, and is stored). Classification Acute, where the onset of testicular pain is often...
Blepharospasm (form Greek "blepharon" meaning "eyelid", "spasm" meaning "uncontrolled muscle contraction") is any abnormal contraction/twitch of the eyelid.
Antiviral are drugs used to Tx viral infections. Like antibiotics (for bacteria), specific antivirals can Tx specific viruses. Unlike most antibiotics, antivirals don't destroy the target pathogen, but rather inhibits their...
Bishop score
Bishop score (aka cervix score, cervical favorability) is a pre-labor scoring system. Cx is shorthand for cervix. [faq]What's the Bishop score? It's a way that we score how ready bub is ready to come out....
RASopathies are developmental syndromes caused by germline mutatiosn in genes that alter the Ras subfamily and Mitogen-activated protein kinases, that control signal transduction. Classification Capillary malformation-AV malformation syndrome Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome Cardiofaciocutneous syndrome CFC...
Definition count: 2819
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