Paracetamol overdose
Paracetamol overdose/toxicity is caused by excessive use or overdose of paracetamol (analgesic drug). Sx No Sx, in the first 24 hours, following overdose, in many Pt's Nonspecific Sx, e.g. vague abdominal pain, and nausea With...
Rh disease
Rh disease is a cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Pathophysiology During birth, the mother may be exposed to the infant's blood, causing the development of antibodies, which may affect the...
Feeding disorder
Feeding disorder in infancy or early childhood, is a child's refusal to eat certain food groups, textures, solids or liquids, for a period of at least 1 month, which causes...
Nappy rash
Nappy rash (aka irritant diaper dermatitis) are skin rashes that appear in the diaper area. Sx Joined patches of erythema and scaling mainly seen on the convex surfaces Central red, beefy erythema, with...
Anti-Mullerian hormone
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH, aka Mullerian inhibiting factor) is a protein, that in humans, is encoded by the AMH gene. It inhibits the development of the Mullerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts) in...
Hypocalcemia is low calcium levels in blood. Physiologically, blood calcium is tightly regulated within a narrow range for proper cellular processes. Sx Neuromuscular irritability (including tetany as manifested by Chvostek's sign or...
Percussion is tapping on a surface to determine the underlying structure. Indications Assess the thorax, for: Pneumothorax Emphysema Other disease Respiratory mobility of the thorax Assess the abdomen, for: Organomegaly Whether tissue is healthy or pathological Method The nonstriking finger (known...
Uterotonic (aka ecbolic) is a drug used to induce contraction [or greater tonicity] of the uterus. [faq]What is a uterotonic? It's a drug which makes your uterus, also known as the womb,...
Intermittent claudication
Intermittent claudication (from Latin "claudicare" meaning "to limp") is a Sx that describes muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness, or sense of fatigue), classically in the calf muscle, which occurs during...
Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcer [disease] is a break in the lining of the stomach (aka stomach ulcer) [or even the first part of the small intestine (aka duodenal ulcer), or the lower esophagus]. [faq]What is a...
Definition count: 2819
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