Hemophilia (from Greek "heme" meaning "blood", and "philia" meaning "love") are hereditary genetic disorders that impair ability to control blood clotting, which is used to stop bleeding.
[faq]What is hemophilia?
So the word,...
Hyperglycemia (from Greek "hyper" meaning "excessive", "glyc" meaning "sweet", "emia" meaning "blood", aka high blood sugar) is excessive amoutn of glucose circulating in the blood.
Triad of:
Polyuria (frequent urination), as high...
Pelvic exam
Pelvic exam is a physical exam of the female pelvic organs.
External examination, including:
Examination and palpate the vulva, perianal area, vaginal canal, for erythema, swelling, excoriation, rash, lesions, masses, trauma
Examine for...
Viral infection
Viral infection (aka viral disease) is when a Pt's body is invaded by pathogenic viruses, and virions (i.e. infectious virus particles) attach to and enter susceptible cells.
Adenoviridae, including:
Herpesviridae, including:
Epstein-Barr virus
Uterine fibroid
Uterine fibroid (aka fibroleiomyoma) is a leiomyoma (i.e. benign tumor from smooth muscle tissue) of the myometrium (i.e. smooth muscle layer) of the uterus. Fibroids are often multiple. Diffuse uterine...
Birth defect
Birth defect (aka congenital disorder/disease, anomaly) is a condition existing at or before birth, regardless of cause. Congenital anomalies are those characterized by structural deformities, and involve defects in a developing...
UTI is an infection that affects part of the urinary tract.
[faq]What's a UTI?
Infection of the urinary tract![/faq]
Lower UTI's:
Painful urination
Burning sensation in the urethra, may hbe present even when not urinating,...
Nuchal scan
Nuchal scan (aka nuchal translucency, nuchal fold) is an U/S prenatal screen assessing the quantity of fluid collecting within the nape of the fetal neck.
Examined on the early morphology conducted at the...
Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) is a brief 30-point questionnaire used to estimate, and track the course (over time) of the severity of cognitive impairment, especially for dementia. It samples arithmetic,...
LH (luteinizing hormone) is a hormone produced by gonadotrophic cells in the anterior pituitary gland. In females, an acute rise of LH (LH surge) triggers ovulation, and development of the...