Tocolytics (aka anti-contraction drugs, labor repressants) are drugs used to suppress premature labor. Examples include: [[Nifedipine]] [[Progesterone]], has limited evidence → hormone which suppresses uterine activity Purpose Suppress contractions, although it is often only partial Can...
Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory. Topical steroid is topical form of corticosteroid. Purpose Tx rash, eczema, dermatitis Tx asthma → reduce airway inflammation Antenatal corticosteroids → given to women expecting preterm delivery. It is used help the lungs of a premature...
Pharmaceutical drug
Pharmaceutical drug (aka medication) is a drug used in health care, for the purposes of Dx, Tx, or prevention. Pharmacies administer drugs. Drug discovery and development are complex and expensive endeavors...
Fetal scalp stimulation test
Fetal scalp stimulation test is a Dx test used to detect fetal metabolic acidemia. It can be used as a non-invasive alternative to fetal scalp blood testing. Method A firm digital pressure...
Methylphenidate is a CNS stimulant. [faq]What is methylphenidate? Anything to do with meth :P? Yes, actually!! They are similar, in that both are dopaminergic drugs. Specifically, methylphenidate is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, whilst...
Leukonychia is white discoloration of the nail. [img]leukonychia.jpg[/img] Source: Causes Harmless, most commonly caused by minor injuries whilst the nail is growing Caused by hypoalbuminemia (low albumin), of chronic liver disease. In this instance, there...
Liver function tests
LFT's are a group of blood tests that provide information regarding the state of a Pt's liver. [faq]Practically, how do you collect LFT's? The bottle with the orange top.[/faq] Physiology The liver is involved...
Lower limb examination
Lower limb examination assesses the neurological function of the lower limbs. LL is shorthand for Lower limb. Method Remember with the mnemonic “The Powerful Romans Conquered Spain”: REMEMBER to start- Walking: Assess gait, asking patient...
Rupture of membranes
Rupture of membranes (ROM, aka amniorrhexis, water breaking) is a rupture of the amniotic sac, releasing amniotic fluid (aka waters, Latin liquor amnii). [faq]What does it mean that your waters break?...
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge is where biological fuids are contained within, or expelled from the vagina. Whilst most discharge is normal and reflect the various stages of the menstrual cycle, it can...
Definition count: 2819
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