Progestins are synthetic progestogens, that have progestogenic effects similar to those of progesterone. Classification 1st generation: Ethisterone Norethisterone Norethisterone acetate Noretynodrel Etynodiol diacetate Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) Megestrol acetate 2nd generation: Norgestrel Levonorgestrel 3rd generation: Norgestimate Norelgestromin Desogestrel Etonogestrel Gestodene 4th generation: Dienogest Drospirenone Nestorone Nomegestrol acetate Trimegestone
Immunization is the process by which a Pt's immune system becomes fortified against a perpetrating immunogen. IUTD is a Medical abbreviation for Immunizations Up To Date, and UTD is an abbreviation for Up...
Hematochezia (from Greek "heme" meaning "blood", and "chezia" meaning "to defecate", aka bright red blood per rectum) is passage of fresh blood through the anus, usually in or with stools...
Preterm birth
Preterm birth (aka premmies) is where a baby is born 34-36 weeks gestation. The cause of preterm birth is often unknown, but there are risk factors associated. TPL is short term for...
Gonorrhea (aka the clap, gonococcal infection) is a bacterial STI. Pathophysiology Caused by N. gonorrhoeae Sx In men: Dysuria Penile discharge In women: Can be asymptomatic (50%) Vaginal discharge Pelvic pain Ix PCR Traditionally, Dx with gram stain and culture. However, culture can still be...
Dwarfism occurs when a Pt is short in stature resulting from a medical condition, caused by slow growth.
Galactosemia is a genetic disorder, affecting ability to metabolize the sugar galactose properly. [faq]Galactosemia, -emia usually relates to blood, like anemia. So does this relate to galactose in blood? Not really. So...
Congenital rubella syndrome
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) occurs in a developing fetus of a pregnant woman who has contracted rubella, usually in the 1st trimester. Pathophysiology Molecular basis for the causation of CRS isn't yet...
Ringworm (aka dermatophytosis, tinea) is caused by fungal infection of the skin. Sx It is called "ringworm" because the rash is circular, with a ring-like appearance Pathophysiology The dermatophytes (i.e. fungi that cause parasitic...
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar [affective] disorder (aka manic-depressive illness) is a mental disorder involving periods of mania (severely elevated mood, that may involve psychosis) or hypomania (significantly elevated mood), and periods of depression. Sx Manic...
Definition count: 2819
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