Incidentaloma is a tumor (-oma) found by coincidence, incidentally, without clinical Sx or suspicion. Like other types of incidental findings, it is found during the course of examination and imaging for...
Glucose tolerance test
Glucose tolerance test involves drinking a glucose solution, and measuring glucose concentration thereafter through subsequent blood sample(s). It determines how quickly it is cleared from the blood. In diabetes, they tend...
Opioid (aka narcotic) are synthetic narcotics NOT derived from opium. Classification Examples include: Natural opiates Esters of morphine opiates Semi-synthetic opioids, derived from morphine, including: Heroin Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Oxycodone Oxymorphone Synthetic opioids, not derived from morphine, including: Fentanyl Buprenorphine Methadone Fully synthetic opioids, including: Fentanyl Pethidine Levorphanol Methadone Tramadol, which also...
Eye disease
Eye disease is disease of the eye. Classification Disorders of: Eyelid, lacrimal system, orbit Conjunctiva Sclera, cornea, iris, ciliary body Lens Choroid, retina Glaucoma Vitreous body, globe Optic nerve, visual pathways Ocular muscles, binocular movement, accommodation, refraction Visual disturbances and blindness Other disorders...
Thrombolytic (aka clot busters) are drugs used to induce thrombolysis (i.e. dissolve blood clots by pharmacological means). [faq]What is thrombolysis? It's drugs that you use to dissolve blood clots. So wait. Is that the...
Mole (aka nevus, birthmark, beauty mark) is a sharply circumscribed, and chronic lesion containing of the skin or mucosa. Pathophysiology It is a type of cell known as a melanocyte, which contains skin-pigmenting...
Big Five personality trait
Big Five personality traits (aka five factor model) are 5 broad dimensions used by psychologists, to describe the human personality and psyche. Classification Mnemonic ​OCEAN:   High trait Low trait Openness to experience ✓ Involves an appreciation...
Apex beat
Apex beat (aka lateral ictus cordis, point of maximum impulse, apical impulse) is the furthest most point outwards (lateral) and downards (inferiorly) from the sternum, at which the cardiac impulse...
Penetrating trauma
Penetrating trauma is an injury that occurs when an object pierces the skin, and enters a tissue of the body, creating an open wound. See also Non-penetrating trauma (antonym) Chest trauma
Immunosuppressant (aka immunosuppressive drug, antirejection drug) are drugs that inhibit/prevent activity of the immune system. Classification Glucocorticoid Cystostatic, including: Alkylating agents Antimetabolites, including: Folic acid analogs, e.g. methotrexate Purine analogs, e.g. azathioprine, mercaptopurine Pyrimidine analogs, e.g. fluorouracil Protein synthesis...
Definition count: 2819
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