Fecal impaction
Fecal impaction is a solid, immobile bulk of human feces, that an develop in the rectum due to chronic constipation. Fecal loading is large volume of stool in the rectum of...
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM, pre-labor rupture of membranes) is where there is a rupture/breakage of the amniotic sac (aka "membranes", which contains the amniotic fluid surrounding/protecting the fetus) >1...
Peripheral edema
Peripheral edema is edema (accumulation of fluid causing swelling) in tissue perfused by the peripheral vascular system, usually in the lower limbs. It is palpated at the lower limbs. [img]peripheral-edema.png[/img] Source: Cardiac Health Classification Dependent edema,...
Anemia (from Greek "an" meaning "not", and "heme" meaning "blood") is a decrease in the number/quality, of RBC/hemoglobin, thereby reducing the oxygen carrying ability of blood, and thus causing lack of...
Supinator reflex
Reflex by striking the brachioradialis tendon with a hammer, whilst the Pt's arm is relaxed. [img]supinator-reflex.jpg[/img] Source: http://www.osceskills.com/resources/Upper-Limb-Supinator-reflex-test.jpg    
Bishop score
Bishop score (aka cervix score, cervical favorability) is a pre-labor scoring system. Cx is shorthand for cervix. [faq]What's the Bishop score? It's a way that we score how ready bub is ready to come out....
Immunization is the process by which a Pt's immune system becomes fortified against a perpetrating immunogen. IUTD is a Medical abbreviation for Immunizations Up To Date, and UTD is an abbreviation for Up...
Leukonychia is white discoloration of the nail. [img]leukonychia.jpg[/img] Source: http://www.dermis.net/bilder/CD033/550px/img0063.jpg Causes Harmless, most commonly caused by minor injuries whilst the nail is growing Caused by hypoalbuminemia (low albumin), of chronic liver disease. In this instance, there...
Cholesterol embolism
Cholesterol embolism is where cholesterol is released, usually from atheroma (atherosclerotic plaque), and travels as an embolus in the bloodstream, causing an obstruction in the blood vessels further away. Most...
Heart block
Heart block are conditions that causes a fault within the heart's natural pacemaker, due to some kind of obstruction/block in the electrical condition system of the heart. Sx Asymptomatic, in some cases,...
Definition count: 2819
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