Phlebitis (aka venitis) is inflammation of a vein. It commonly occurs with thrombosis, when it is caled [superficial] thrombophlebitis. Pathophysiology It usually occurs in the legs It most commonly occurs in superficial veins Prognosis Probability the superficial...
Uterine inversion
Uterine inversion is a potentially fatal childbirth complication with a maternal survival rate of about 85%. [faq]What is uterine inversion? It's where the uterus becomes inverted :P So the womb, literally turns...
Choluria is the presence of bile in urine. Sx Dark or brown urine, often referred to as the color of Coca-Cola Pathophysiology Usually manifested when serum bilirubin >1.5mg/dL Presence of chlouria is useful Sx to...
IV cannulation
IV cannulation (IVC, aka peripheral venous catheter) is the insertion of a cannula into a vein. Arterial cannulation is a variation involving insertion into an artery (commonly the radial artery) to...
Eructation (aka belching) is the release of gas from the GI tract (mainly esophagus and stomach) through the mouth. Sx Usually accompanied w/ a typical sound, and at times, an odor See also Flatulence
Strabismus (from Greek strabismos, aka heterotropia, cross eye, wall eye, cast of the eye) is a condition that interferes w/ binocular visino, because it prevents a Pt from directing both...
Lipoma is a benign tumor composed of adipose tissue (body fat). Sx Soft to the touch Usually movable Painless, generally Epidemiology Most common benign form of soft tissue tumor
Coagulation test
Blood clotting tests (aka coagulation tests, coagulation screen, coags) are lab tests used to Dx hemostasis. A coagulometer makes analytics based on diffrent methods of activation and observation of development of...
Menstruation (aka period, monthly) is the periodic discharge of blood and mucosal tissue from the endometrium (i.e. inner lining of the uterus) through the vagina. [faq]What's menstruation? It's where a woman bleeds periodically,...
Condom is a sheath-shaped barrier device that may be used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and spreading STI’s/STD’s e.g. HIV/AIDs. Method It is rolled onto an erect penis...
Definition count: 2819
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