Blister (from French "blestre" meaning "swelling") is the visible accumulation of clear fluid in the upper layers of skin. [faq]What is a blister? It's those things that you get on your leg, if...
Heart attack
Heart attack (aka myocardial infarction) is where blood [and thus oxygen] flow stops to a part of the heart, and heart muscle becomes damaged. [faq]What is a myocardial infarction, and how...
Non-epileptic seizure
Non-epileptic seizures are paroxysmal events that mimic an epileptic seizure, but don't involve abnormal, rhythmic discharges of cortical neurons. Cause Syncope/fainting, which can be accompanied by a short episode of convulsions Hyperventilation In children: Breath-holding...
​Surgery are techniques involving manual and instruments. Purposes Investigation Treatment of diseases (or injuries) To improve bodily function For appearance Remove unwanted areas (e.g. perforated ear drum) Pre-operative preparation Nothing by mouth (NBM, aka Nil by mouth, Nil...
Digoxin is used in the Tx of various heart conditions, by increasing heart contractility, and decreasing heart rate. Product names include Cardigox, Cardiogoxin, Cardioxin, Cardoxin, Coragoxine, Digacin, Digicor, Digomal, Digon, Digosin, Digoxine...
Flapping tremor
Flapping tremor is, when the hand is outstretched, and wrist is bent upward, the Pt is unable to actively maintain the position, but instead, tremors with jerky movement, resembling a...
Liver function tests
LFT's are a group of blood tests that provide information regarding the state of a Pt's liver. [faq]Practically, how do you collect LFT's? The bottle with the orange top.[/faq] Physiology The liver is involved...
Chickenpox (aka varicella) is a highly contagious disease caused by initial infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). [faq]What is chickenpox? Anything to do with chickens? Not chickens, but chickpeas, or garbanzo beans....
Chromosomal abnormality
Chromosomal abnormality (aka chromosomal anomaly, aberration, or mutation), is an abnormality of chromosomal DNA. The most common chromosomal abnormalities include: [[Angelman syndrome]] [[Down syndrome]] [[Klinefelter syndrome]] [[Prader-Willi syndrome]] [[Turner syndrome]] [faq]What's the difference between a chromosomal...
Oslers node
Osler's nodes are painful, red, raised lesions found on the hands and legs, associated with infective endocarditis. Pathophysiology Caused by deposition of immune complexes, resulting in swelling, redness, and pain. [img]oslers-node-vs-janeway-lesion.gif[/img] Source: Stanford University
Definition count: 2819
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