Uterine fibroid
Uterine fibroid (aka fibroleiomyoma) is a leiomyoma (i.e. benign tumor from smooth muscle tissue) of the myometrium (i.e. smooth muscle layer) of the uterus. Fibroids are often multiple. Diffuse uterine...
Birth defect
Birth defect (aka congenital disorder/disease, anomaly) is a condition existing at or before birth, regardless of cause. Congenital anomalies are those characterized by structural deformities, and involve defects in a developing...
Shortness of breath
SOB (shortness of breath, aka dyspnea, respiratory distress) is feelings of distress associated with impaired breathing. It can cause the tripod position (i.e. sits or stands, leaning forward, supporting the upper body...
Spinal muscular atrophy
[Proximal] spinal muscular atrophy is an autosomal recessive disease, caused by a genetic defect in the SMN1 gene, which encodes SMN, a protein widely expressed in all eukaryotic cells. It...
Headache (aka cephalalgia) is pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck.
[faq]Is headache where your head hurts?
Yeah. And also your neck. It can be hard to exact things[/faq]
Cervical polyp
Cervical polyp is a common benign polyp (or tumor) on the surface of the cervical canal.
Irregular menstrual bleeding
Often asymptomatic
Removal of the polyp
1% of cervical polyps will show neoplastic change, which...
Lesion (from Latin "laesio" meaning "injury") is any abnormality in the tissue of an organism, usually caused by disease or trauma.
Liver function tests
LFT's are a group of blood tests that provide information regarding the state of a Pt's liver.
[faq]Practically, how do you collect LFT's?
The bottle with the orange top.[/faq]
The liver is involved...
ECG (electrocardiography) is a record of electrical activity of the heart over time, detected by electrodes attached to the skin surface (non-invasive) at various set locations.
The standard 12-lead ECG involves...
Galactosemia is a genetic disorder, affecting ability to metabolize the sugar galactose properly.
[faq]Galactosemia, -emia usually relates to blood, like anemia. So does this relate to galactose in blood?
Not really. So...