Rubella (from Latin "little red", aka German measles, 3 day measles) is a disease caused by the rubella virus. Known as "German" measles because it was first described by German doctors. [faq]What...
Episiotomy (from Greek "epision" meaning "pubic region", "tomy" meaning "cutting", aka perineotomy) is surgical incision of the perineum and posterior vaginal wall, during the second stage of labor, to quickly enlarge...
Warfarin is an anticoagulant. Examples include Coumadin. [img]warfarin.jpg[/img] Source: Bristol Labs Purpose Prevention of thrombosis (formation of blood clots) and thromboembolism (migration elsewhere) MOA Warfarin is a synthetic derivative of dicoumarol, a 4-hydroxycoumarin-derived mycotoxin anticoagulant Warfarin and related 4-hydroxycoumarin-containing...
Stroke (aka cerebrovascular accident, CVA) is the brain version of a heart attack, and is where there is disturbance in blood supply to an area of the brain. [faq]What is a...
Electrosurgery is the application of a high frequency (RF) alternating polarity, electrical current to biological tissue to cut, coagulate, desiccate, or fulgurate tissue
Head circumference
Head circumference (HC, aka occipital frontal circumference OFC) is measurement of a child's head around its largest area, the distance from above the eyebrow/ears, and around the back of the head. [youtube]3YMJRsYNZDQ[/youtube] [faq]What...
Fluid thrill test
Fluid thrill test is a test for ascites. Pt pushes their hands down on the midline of the abdomen. Examiner taps one flank, while feeling the other flank for the...
Otoscope (aka auriscope) is a device used to look into the ears, especially the outer and middle ear, by providing a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane (aka eardrum,...
Medical career
Medical education is as follows: University degree in medicine, including MBBS (6 years) and MD (4 years). There is a pre-clinical portion, followed by a clinical portion (final 2 years) during medical...
Dengue fever
Dengue fever (aka breakbone fever) is a mosquito-borne tropical disease, caused by the dengue virus. Sx Fever Headache Muscle and joint pains Characteristic skin rash, that is morbiliform (i.e. similar to measles) Complications Dengue hemorrhagic fever, which...
Definition count: 2819
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