Gartner's duct cyst
Gartner's duct cyst (aka vaginal inclusion cyst) is a benign vaginal cystic lesion that arises from the vestigial remnant of a mesonephric duct or Gartner's duct.
Whooping cough
Whooping cough (aka pertussis) is a highly contagious bacterial disease. [faq]What is whooping cough or pertussis? The "tus" in pertussis sounds like coughing. If you drag on the "tuuuuus" it sounds...
Encephalitis (from Greek "en" meaning "in", "cephale" meaning "head", and "itis" meaning "inflammation") is acute inflammation of the brain. Meningoencephalitis is encephalitis with meningitis. Sx Headache Fever Confusion Drowsiness Fatigue Later: Seizure Convulsions Tremor Hallucinations Stroke Hemorrhaging Memory problems Cause Viral, called viral encephalitis, can occur...
​Surgery are techniques involving manual and instruments. Purposes Investigation Treatment of diseases (or injuries) To improve bodily function For appearance Remove unwanted areas (e.g. perforated ear drum) Pre-operative preparation Nothing by mouth (NBM, aka Nil by mouth, Nil...
Process by which the eye changes optical power to maintain focus on an object as its distance varies. Physiology Power is changed by using the ciliary body, which in humans is up...
Milk allergy
Milk allergy is a food allergy, involving adverse immune reaction to one or more of the constituents of milk from any animal, most commonly alpha S1-casein (i.e. protein in cow's...
Anticoagulants are drugs that prevent coagulation (clotting) of blood. They can occur naturally in leeches and blood-sucking insects. Uses Used as medications: To prevent: DVT PE MI Ischemic stroke To Tx: Atrial fibrillation PE DVT Venous thromboembolism CHF Stroke MI Genetic or acquired hypercoagulability Medical equipment (e.g. test...
Ultrasound is a Dx technique for visualizing soft tissue, including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels, and internal organs, for possible pathology/lesions. Method U/S is the use of sound waves with a frequency too...
Shingles (aka [herpes] zoster, aka zona) is a viral disease involving a painful skin rash w/ blisters involving a limited area. Sx Rash, occurs: On either the L or R of the body...
Sepsis is SIRS (whole-body inflammation) caused by an infection. Severe sepsis is sepsis causing poor organ function or insufficient blood flow. Septic shock is where sepsis causes shock (decreased end organ...
Definition count: 2819
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