Opioid (aka narcotic) are synthetic narcotics NOT derived from opium. Classification Examples include: Natural opiates Esters of morphine opiates Semi-synthetic opioids, derived from morphine, including: Heroin Hydrocodone Hydromorphone Oxycodone Oxymorphone Synthetic opioids, not derived from morphine, including: Fentanyl Buprenorphine Methadone Fully synthetic opioids, including: Fentanyl Pethidine Levorphanol Methadone Tramadol, which also...
Alcoholism (aka alcohol use disorder, alcohol dependence syndrome) is any drinking of alcohol that results in problems. Alcohol is a drink that contains ethanol. ETOH is shorthand for alcohol. Source: Standard drinks Dx 2 or more of the...
Nuchal scan
Nuchal scan (aka nuchal translucency, nuchal fold) is an U/S prenatal screen assessing the quantity of fluid collecting within the nape of the fetal neck. Method Examined on the early morphology conducted at the...
Antiepileptic drug
Antiepileptic drugs (AED's, aka anticonvulsant) is used to Tx epileptic seizures. They can also be used to Tx bipolar disorder, mood stabilizer, and neuropathic pain. MOA Block sodium channels, or enhance GABA....
Drugs can be prescribed for different times of the day, including: mane is in the morning nocte is at night Drugs can also be prescribed with different intervals, including: q (Latin "quaque"), meaning "each"...
Insulin [analog] (aka insulin receptor ligand) is an altered form of insulin, differing from any occurring in nature, but still avialable to the human body for performing the same action...
Clubfoot (aka talipes equinovarus) is a congenital deformity involving 1 foot or both. The affected foot appears to have been rotated internally at the ankle. [faq]What's clubfoot? It sounds a bit like...
Perinatal infection
Perinatal infection (aka vertically transmitted infection) is an infection transmitted directly from the mother to baby during pregnancy or childbirth. Pathophysiology Can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or rarely, parasites It is caused...
Dehydration is excessive loss of body water/fluid volume. It occurs when water loss > water intake. [faq]What is dehydration? It's where you've lost a lot of water. That occurs when the water...
Fundoscopy (aka ophthalmoscopy) is the use of funduscope to look into the fundus of the eye, and can confirm health of the retina and vitreous humor. To allow better inspection through...
Definition count: 2819
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