Acrodermatitis is a childhood form of dermatitis selectively affecting the hands and feet, and may be accompanied by mild Sx of fever and malaise. Sx It is a diffuse chronic skin disease,...
Cold sensitivity
Cold sensitivity (aka cold intolerance) is unusual discomfort felt by some people when in a cool environment. Pathophysiology Differences in people in the expression of uncoupling proteins, thus affecting their amount of...
Thrombophilia (aka hypercoagulability, prothrombotic state) is an abnormality of blood coagulation that increases the risk of thrombosis (blood clots in blood vessels). [faq]What is thrombophilia? The love of clots ;). Another word...
Beta blocker
Beta blockers reduce blood pressure (antihypertensive) and heart rate. [faq]What are beta blockers? They're drugs used to reduce blood pressure, as well as heart rate. You diferentiated blood pressure from heart rate? Yep. You...
Respiratory examination
Respiratory exam is performed as part of a physical exam. AE is shorthand for Air entry, referring to the intensity of breath sounds. A drawing of lungs with arrows through them, indicates there is nothing...
Heart failure
Heart failure (aka congestive cardiac failure, CCF) is where the heart is unable to provide sufficient pump to maintain blood flow needs of the body. [faq]Heart failure, what is it? Is...
Trismus is limited mouth opening (reduced opening of the jaws), especially caused by spasm of the muscles of mastication. Sx Interferes w/ eating, speech, oral hygiene, and can alter facial appearance May be...
Pseudoaneurysm (aka false aneurysm) is a hematoma (i.e. collection of blood) that forms due to a leaking hole in an artery (or vein). Pathophysiology The hole in the arterial wall is generally the result...
Condom is a sheath-shaped barrier device that may be used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy and spreading STI’s/STD’s e.g. HIV/AIDs. Method It is rolled onto an erect penis...
Multiple organ failure
Multiple organ failure (aka multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, MODS) is altered organ function in an acutely ill Pt requiring medical intervention to achieve homeostasis. Epidemiology The terms "multiple organ failure" and "multisystem...
Definition count: 2819
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