Contraceptive sponge
Contraceptive sponge combines barrier and sperimicidal methods to prevent conception.
The sponge is inserted into the vagina, so it can cover the cervix and prevent any sperm from entering the uterus
Hyperthermia is elevated body temperature, due to failed thermoregulation that occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it dissipates. Extreme temperature elevation is a medical emergency and...
Quinolone are synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Quinolones and its derivatives have also been isolated from natural sources, e.g. plants, animals, bacteria, and can act as natural antimicrobials or signalling molecules
It exerts its...
ABG (Arterial blood gas) is a blood test performed on arterial blood. It is useful in pulmonology and critical care to determine gas exchange, reflecting gas exchange across the alveolar-capillary...
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas (i.e. organ sitting under the stomach, which produces digestive enzymes).
[faq]What is pancreatitis?
Inflammation of the pancreas.
Ummm... :umm: Why does it matter? What does the pancreas...
GIC (Glass Ionomer Cement) contain a basic glass, and an acidic polymer liquid, set by an acid-base reaction
The acidic polymer is polyacrylic acid, an ionomer, containing 5-10% of substituted ionic...
Calcium channel blocker
CCB's (calcium channel blockers) reduce blood pressure.
Disrupts movement of calcium through calcium channels, thereby:
Reducing BP
Slowing HR
Reducing force of contraction of the heart
Unlike beta blockers, CCB don't decrease responsiveness of heart to...
Inborn error of metabolism
Inborn error of metabolism (aka congenital metabolic disease, inherited metabolic disease) are a large class of genetic diseases, involving congenital disorders of metabolism. The majority are due to defects of...
Respiratory rate
Respiratory rate (RR) is the number of breaths taken in a minute.
[faq]What is respiratory rate?
It's the rate of respiration, so the speed at which we breathe in 1 minute.[/faq]
Bradypnea, a...
Triceps reflex
Reflex that involuntarily contracts the triceps brachia muscle.