Gravidity and parity
Gravidity and parity (G/P/A) are terms relating to pregnancy. Definition It is the number of times a female has: Gravidity means having been pregnant, regardless of whether it has been brought to viability (yet alone...
Bowel movement
Bowel movement (aka defecation) is the final act of digestion, whereby waste (solid, semisolid or liquid) is eliminated from the digestive tract via the anus. The expulsion of waste varies...
Neurological examination
Neurological examination is assessment of sensory and motor to determine whether the nervous system is impaired. Classification [[MMSE]] [[Cranial nerve exam]] [[Upper limb exam]] [[Lower limb exam]] Sensation Dermatome is an area of skin that is mainly supplied...
Mitral facies
Plum-red discoloration of the cheeks, associated with mitral stenosis, due to CO2 retention and its vasodilatory effects. [img]malar-flush.jpg[/img] Source: MyHealthyFeeling
Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory. Topical steroid is topical form of corticosteroid. Purpose Tx rash, eczema, dermatitis Tx asthma → reduce airway inflammation Antenatal corticosteroids → given to women expecting preterm delivery. It is used help the lungs of a premature...
Respiratory rate
Respiratory rate (RR) is the number of breaths taken in a minute. [faq]What is respiratory rate? It's the rate of respiration, so the speed at which we breathe in 1 minute.[/faq] Classification Bradypnea, a...
Statin is a drug which lowers cholesterol. Increased cholesterol is associated with cardiovascular disease. [faq]What is a statin? It's a drug that lowers cholesterol. Oh cholesterol. That's bad for blood, right? Well sort of....
Physical examination
Physical examination are routines conducted to elicit signs of disease, which in conjunction with a Pt Hx, helps to determine the correct Dx. O/E is an abbreviation for On examination Classification [[Abdominal exam]] [[Cardiovascular...
Otoscope (aka auriscope) is a device used to look into the ears, especially the outer and middle ear, by providing a view of the ear canal and tympanic membrane (aka eardrum,...
[Dental] crown (aka dental cap) is a restoration that completely caps/encircles a tooth/implant. A crown may be needed when a large cavity threatens the health of a tooth. A crown...
Definition count: 2819
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