Candidiasis is a fungal infection due to any type of Candida (i.e. a type of yeast). Thrush is when it affects the mouth. Yeast infection is when it affects the...
Tubal ligation
Tubal ligation (aka tubectomy, tubes tied) is a surgical procedure for sterilization in which a woman's fallopian tubes are clamped and blocked, or severed and sealed, either method of which...
Jaundice (from French "jaun" meaning "yellow", aka icterus) is yellowish pigmentation of the skin, conjunctiva, and other mucous membranes. [faq]What does jaundice mean? It sounds like someone who's being a bit...
ABG (Arterial blood gas) is a blood test performed on arterial blood. It is useful in pulmonology and critical care to determine gas exchange, reflecting gas exchange across the alveolar-capillary...
Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. Classification Acute esophagitis, which can be: Catarrhal Phlegmonous Chronic, which can be: Hypertrophic Atrophic Cause Infectious, typically seen in immunocompromised patients, including: Fungal: Candida (esophageal candidiasis) Viral: Herpes simplex (herpes esophagitis) Cytomegalovirus Others, including: GERD (gastroesophageal refluex disease), called reflux...
Cancer (aka malignant tumor, malignant neoplasm) involves abnormal cell growth, with the potential to invade/spread to other parts of the body. [faq]What is a cancer? Or a malignancy? They mean the same thing....
Fever (aka pyrexia) is an elevated body temperature above the normal range of 37 ± 0.5°C, i.e. >37.5°C. [faq]I know fever means you're hot, but what does hot mean? Normal temperature is 0.5°C...
Vocal cord paralysis
Vocal cord paralysis/paresis is weakness of 1 or both vocal folds. Sx Hoarseness Vocal fatigue Mild to severe reduction in vocal volume Pain in the throat when speaking SOB Gargling fluids may become difficult Pathophysiology Reduced vocal cord mobility...
Fever of unknown origin
Fever of unknown origin (FUO, aka pyrexia of unknown origin, PUO, febris e causa ignota, febris ECI) is a condition where the patient has a fever (elevated temperature), but despite...
Occupational disease
Occupational disease are chronic ailments that occur as a result of working or occupational activity. It is an aspect of OH&S. Classification Occupational lung disease (see page) Skin diseases Other diseases, including: Overuse syndrome Carpal tunnel...
Definition count: 2819
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