IVIG (intravenous immunoglobulin) is a blood product administered IV. MOA It contains IgG antibodies extracted from the plasma of over 1,000 blood donors It's effect lasts 2 weeks-3 months Purpose Used as Tx for 4...
Chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is a long-standing inflammation of the pancreas, that alters the organ's normal structure and functions. It can present as episodes of acute inflammation in a previously injured pancreas,...
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Hashimoto's thyroiditis (aka chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis) is an autoimmune disease causing primary hypothyrodism. Pathophysiology The thyroid gland is attacked by a variety of cell- and antibody-mediated immune processes Epidemiology 1st disease recognized to be...
[Pulmonary] aspiration is entry of material (e.g. pharyngeal secretions, food/drink, stomach contents) from the oropharynx or GI tract, into the larynx (voice box) and lower respiratory tract (i.e. portions of...
Baby teeth
Baby teeth (aka deciduous teeth, temporary teeth, milk teeth, primary teeth) are the 1st set of teeth in the growth development of humans. Physiology They develop during the embryonic stage of development...
Tracheitis is a bacterial infection of the trachea/windpipe. Sx SOB Stridor Intercostal retraction Flu-like Sx (high fever, deep cough) Pathophysiology Most often caused by the bacteria Staph aureus Often follows a recent viral URTI Mostlya ffects young kids since...
Body temperature
Body temperature (shorthand Temp) is measured by a thermometer. Pathophysiology It depends on a number of factors, including: Location of measurement, typically from highest to lowest, being internal (rectal, vaginal), oral, and then skin....
Iron status
Iron status (aka iron panel, iron profile, iron indices, iron test, iron studies) are lab blood tests used to evaluate body iron stores or iron level in blood. Indications Iron deficiency anemia Iron...
Parkinsonism are Sx involving tremor, bradykinesia, and balance disorder/postural instability. They are thus a DDx of Parkinson's disease. Cause AIDS Corticobasal degeneration CJ disease (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) Dementia pugilistica (aka boxer's dementia) Diffuse Lewy body disease Drug-induced parkinsonism...
Acute leukemia
Acute leukemia has a relatively short time course of the disease. It can be classified according to its lineage (myeloid or lymphoid), of which the malignant cells that grow uncontrolled,...
Definition count: 2819
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