Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (aka impotence) is sexual dysfunction involving inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis, during sexual activity. Pathophysiology A penile erection is the hydraulic effect of blood entering,...
Chlamydia is a bacterial STI. Pathophysiology Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, naturally found living only inside human cells. Chlamydia trachomatis is an organism responsible for the most prevalent STD in the USA, and is 1 of the...
Smoking tobacco causes various effects for both the smoker, as well as those around them. Cigs is shorthand for cigarettes. Pathophysiology Nicotine is addictive, making the process of quitting very prolonged and difficult Assessment The statement "Smoker"...
Epilepsy syndrome
Epilepsy syndromes are specific features that are present. These features include the age at which seizures begin, the seizure types, and EEG findings, among others. Identifying an epilepsy syndrome is...
Aging is the accumulation of changes in a Pt over time. Young age Pediatrics relates to child health. Asthma Autism (and its spectrum) Bronchiolitis Chickenpox Croup Dental caries Type 1 diabetes Down's syndrome Congenital heart disease Influenza Measles Rubella Whooping cough Old age Geriatrics relates to health...
Conversion disorder
Conversion disorder (formerly known as hysteria) involves neurological Sx (e.g. numbness, blindness, paralysis, or psychogenic non-epileptic seizures, which aren't consistent with a well-established organic cause, and which causes significant distress. These Sx...
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding is any bleeding through the vagina. PV is shorthand for blood loss per vaginam (Latin for "through the vagina"). [faq]What is vaginal bleeding? It's bleeding through the vagina. What is a...
Exsanguination (from Greek "ex" meaning "out of", "sanguis" meaning "blood", aka bleeding to death, bleeding out) is the process of blood loss, to a degree sufficient to cause death. Pathophysiology The Pt doesn't...
[Major] trauma is any injury that has the potential to cause prolonged disability or death. Cause Blunt and penetrating Falls, MVA's, and gunshot wounds Classification Classified by body area: Polytrauma (aka multiple trauma) (40%), injuries affecting multiple...
Rubella (from Latin "little red", aka German measles, 3 day measles) is a disease caused by the rubella virus. Known as "German" measles because it was first described by German doctors. [faq]What...
Definition count: 2819
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