Perineal tear
Perineal tear is an unintended laceration of the skin and other soft tissue structures separating the vagina from the anus. Tears vary in severity. [faq]What is a perineal tear? It's where as...
Anorexia is decreased sensation of appetite. Prognosis There are many causes of decreased appetite, some of which are harmless, and others of which are serious conditions that pose a significant risk See also [[Anorexia...
​Surgery are techniques involving manual and instruments. Purposes Investigation Treatment of diseases (or injuries) To improve bodily function For appearance Remove unwanted areas (e.g. perforated ear drum) Pre-operative preparation Nothing by mouth (NBM, aka Nil by mouth, Nil...
Hematuria is presence of RBC in urine. Hemoglobinuria is specifically Hg in urine. [faq]What is hematuria? It's where we find blood in urine. Specifically, red blood cells. Wait, what different sorts of blood...
Obesity is excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, causing reduced life expectancy or increased health problems. Dx In Western countries, BMI...
ABG (Arterial blood gas) is a blood test performed on arterial blood. It is useful in pulmonology and critical care to determine gas exchange, reflecting gas exchange across the alveolar-capillary...
[Arterial] hypertension (aka high blood pressure, HTN) is chronically elevated BP in arteries. [faq]What is hypertension? High blood pressure. What is blood pressure? The pressure of blood against the wall of the vessels, that...
Vomiting (aka emesis) is the involuntary, forceful expulsion of stomach's contents, through the mouth, and sometimes the nose. Nausea is the feeling one is about to vomit, but doesn't necessarily...
Allergies are a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system, where a Pt's immune system reacts to a normally harmless substance in the environment, known as the allergen. The reaction is...
Stroke (aka cerebrovascular accident, CVA) is the brain version of a heart attack, and is where there is disturbance in blood supply to an area of the brain. [faq]What is a...
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