Surgery are techniques involving manual and instruments.
Treatment of diseases (or injuries)
To improve bodily function
For appearance
Remove unwanted areas (e.g. perforated ear drum)
Pre-operative preparation
Nothing by mouth (NBM, aka Nil by mouth, Nil per os, NPO) is instruction to withhold oral food and fluids, with the exception of very small drink of water to take with their usual medication. Otherwise, if the Pt accidentally ingests food or water, the surgery would usually be cancelled, or postponed for at least 8 hours. It is used to:
Prevent aspiration pneumonia (due to general anesthetic, or weak swallowing musculature)
GI bleeding, GI blockage
Acute pancreatitis
Alcohol overdose that results in vomiting, or severe external bleeding
Peri-operative preparation
Scrubbing in is the preparation done before surgery. Remember at ALL times to keep hands higher than elbows at all times. The 1st scrub continues for 5 minutes, followed by 3 minutes subsequently:
First 2 minutes, only required for the 1st scrub (1st minute):
Dispose of nail cleaner
Clean fingernails under running water
Brush fingers, hands, and forearms, to 2.5cm ABOVE the elbows, paying particular attention to finger surfaces, webbing of the fingers, palms, sides, back/front of hands
Brush nails
Remove dirt from under finger nails
Apply cleanser to fingernails
Discard fingernail cleanser into sharps, and nail brush into the bin
Open brush packet and rest near tap
Minutes 3-5, or as soon as nails are done:
Apply cleanser to foam hands, and with rotating movements cleansing the forearms in ONE direction only Word of the Day Daily News
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