Definition of "Shingles"

Last modified: 10 hours

Shingles (aka [herpes] zoster, aka zona) is a viral disease involving a painful skin rash w/ blisters involving a limited area.

  • Rash, occurs:
    • On either the L or R of the body or face in a single stripe
    • Disseminated shingles (rash occurs widely), in those who are immunosuppressed
    • Usually heals within 2-4 weeks
  • Pain or tingling in the area, 2-4 days before the rash occurs
  • Otherwise typically few Sx
  • Chickenpox is due to an intial infection w/ ZVZ. Once chickenpox has resolved, the viru smay remain inactive in nerve cells
  • Shingles is due to REactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV) within a Pt's body
  • VZV is not the same as HSV, however, they belong to the same family of viruses, herpesviridae
Risk factors
  • Older age
  • Immunosuppression
  • Having had chickenpox <18mo of age
  • Exposure to the virus in the blisters can cause CHICKENPOX in someone who hasn't had it before, but will NOT trigger shingles
  • Sx
  • Shingles vaccine, decreaese chance of shingles by 50% in those between 50-80yo. It also decreases rates of postherpetic neuralgia, and if an outbreak occurs, its severity. >80yo, the vaccine is still effective, just less so. The vaccine contains the same material as the varicella vaccine, just at a higher dose
  • Antiviral drugs, e.g. aciclovir, can reduce the severity and duration of disease if started <72 hours of the appearance of the rash
  • Paracetamol, NSAID's or opioids, to help w/ acute pain
  • Antivirals and steroids do NOT significantly effect rates of postherpetic neuralgia
  • Postherpetic neuralgia (i.e. ongoing nerve pain which may last for months or years), in some patients
  • 33% of people develop shignles at some point in their life
  • Whilst it is more common amongst older Pt's, kids may also get the disease
  • Incidence is 0.2% in health individuals, and 0.7% in those >65yo
  • 50% of those living to 85yo wil have at least one attack, and <5% will have more than 1 attack
See also
  • Herpes SIMPLEX virus (same family of virus, but do not confuse)

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