Definition of "Hyperglycemia"

Last modified: 1 day

Hyperglycemia (from Greek "hyper" meaning "excessive", "glyc" meaning "sweet", "emia" meaning "blood", aka high blood sugar) is excessive amoutn of glucose circulating in the blood.

  • Triad of:
    • Polyuria (frequent urination), as high blood sugar leaking into urine, draws additional water along with it
    • Polydipsia (increased thirst)
    • Polyphagia (increased hunger)
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Consistent BSL's between 5.6-7 mmol/L, with any levels above this being diabetes
  • BSL>11.1 mmol/L
  • Impaired fasting glucose can be Dx by:
    • 2 hour glucose <7.8mmol/L, which is NORMAL
    • Fasting glucose 6.1-7mmol/L, which is elevated
    • HbA1c 6-6.4 DCCT%, which is elevated
  • Impaired glucose tolerance, can be Dx by:
    • 2 hour glucose 7.8mmol/L+, which is ELEVATED
    • Fasting glucose 6.1-7mmol/L, which is elevated
    • HbA1c 6-6.4 DCCT%, which is elevated
  • Sx may not start to become noticeable until even higher levels, of around 15-20mmol/L
  • Chronic BSL's >7mmol/L can produce organ damage
See also

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