Definition of "Female condom"

Last modified: 1 day

Female condom (aka femidom) is a device used during sexual intercourse as a barrier contraceptive to reduce the unintended pregnancy, and risk of STI’s, e.g. gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV, though its protection against them is inferior to that by male condoms.

  • It is worn internally by the female partner and provides a physical barrier to prevent exposure to ejaculated semen or other body fluids
  • Female condoms can be used by the receptive partner during anal sex
  • It is a thin, soft, loose-fitting sheath with a flexible ring at each end
  • They typically come in various sizes. For most vaginas, a moderately sized condom is adequate, women who have recently given birth should try a large size first
  • The inner ring at the closed end of the sheath is used to inset the condom inside the vagina and to hold it in place during intercourse
  • The rolled outer ring at the open end of the sheath remains outside the vagina and covers part of the external genitalia

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