Definition of "Whooping cough"

Last modified: 1 day

Whooping cough (aka pertussis) is a highly contagious bacterial disease.

Patient information

What is whooping cough or pertussis? The "tus" in pertussis sounds like coughing. If you drag on the "tuuuuus" it sounds like whoop?
It's caused by a bacterial disease. It's highly contagious.

  • Initially, similar to common cold:
    • Runny nose
    • Fever
    • Mild cough
  • Followed by weeks of severe coughing fits. Following a coughing fit, a high-pitched inspiratory "whoop" sound may occur. The cough can alast for more than 100 days (i.e. 10 weeks). The Pt may cough so hard they:
    • Vomit
    • Break ribs
    • Become fatigued from the effort

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Kids<1yo may have little or no cough, and instead have apnea (i.e. periods where they don't breathe)

Patient information

What happens in the cough that sounds like a whoop, caused by a bacteiral infection?
So flu-like symptoms, so runny nose, high temperature. They can also have massive coughing fits, involving a high pitched inspiratory whooping sound. The cough can be so bad the patient vomits, breaks their ribs, or becomes tired.

  • Caused by bacteria B. pertussis
  • It is an airborne disease, which spreads easily through the coughs and sneezes of an infected individual
  • Pt's are infectious from the start of Sx until about 3 weeks into the coughing fits. Those who are Tx with antibiotics are no longer infectious after 5 days
  • Collecting a nasopharyngeal swab (i.e. sample from the back of the nose and throat), and tested by either culture or PCR
  • Prevention, by vaccination with the pertussis vaccine, where if disease does occur Sx are typically milder. Initial immunization is at 7 weeks of age, with 4 doses to be given in the first 2 years of life. The vaccine is less effective over time, so boosters are recomended for older children or adults
  • Antibiotics, including erythromycin, azithromycin or sulfamethoxazole. It can be used:
    • To prevent the disease among those exposed, or at risk of severe disease
    • Tx, useful if started within 3 weeks of initial Sx, but otherwise have little effect in most Pt's. Kids<1yo and pregnant women are recommended wihtin 6 weeks of Sx onset
  • Sx relief of cough is unsupported
  • Kids<1yo require hospitalization
  • The period between infection and onset of Sx is usually 7-10 days
  • Pertussis affects 16m people worldwide per annum
  • Most cases occur in the devloping world
  • Persons of all ages can be affected
  • It resulsts in 61k deaths per year
  • 2% of infected children <1yo die
  • Notifiable disease

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