Strabismus (from Greek strabismos, aka heterotropia, cross eye, wall eye, cast of the eye) is a condition that interferes w/ binocular visino, because it prevents a Pt from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation point, thus the eyes don't properly align with another.
Involves a lack of coordination between the extraocular molscules, which prevents directing the gaze of both eyes at once to the same point in space. It thus hampers proper binocular vision, and may affect depth perception adversely
Many infants are born with their eyes misaligned, and this is typicaly outgrown by 6-12 mo of age
Esotropia, where both eyes turns inward
Exotropia, where both eyes deviate outward
Tx should be started ASAP to ensure the development of the best possible visual acuity and stereopsis Word of the Day Daily News
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