Definition of "Saline solution"

Last modified: 2 days

Saline solution is a sterile solution of NaCl (sodium chloride, aka table salt) in water.


Saline solution is used for:

  • IV infusion
  • Rinsing contact lens
  • Nasal irrigation
  • Cleaning a new piercing
  • Normal saline (NS, N/S or NSS) is a solution of 0.9% w/v (i.e. 1g per 1000mL) NaCl. It is also referred to as isotonic saline, but is technically incorrect. It is frequently used in IV drips for Pt's unable to take fluids orally, or are in danger (or have) dehydration or hypovolemia. Rapid infusion of NS can cause metabolic acidosis (i.e. too much CO2/acid in the body, unable to be removed by the kidney)
See also
  • Fluid replacement
  • Dietary minerals

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