Definition of "Ringworm"

Last modified: 1 day

Ringworm (aka dermatophytosis, tinea) is caused by fungal infection of the skin.

  • It is called "ringworm" because the rash is circular, with a ring-like appearance
  • The dermatophytes (i.e. fungi that cause parasitic infection) feed on keratin (i..e material found in the outer layer of skin, hair, nails)
  • These fungi thrive on warm and moist skin, but may also survive directly on the outsides of hair shafts or in their interiors
  • Dermatophytosis, including:
    • Tinea pedis (aka athlete's foot), fungal infection of the feet

Source: Wikimedia

    • Tinea unguium, fungal infection of the fingernails and toenails, and the nail bed
    • Tinea corporis, fungal infection of the arms, legs, and trunk, especially on hairless skin

Source: 2012.37.28%20PM.png">Medlibes

    • Tinea cruris (jock itch), fungal infection of the groin area
    • Tinea manuum, fungal infection of the hands and palm area
    • Tinea capitis, fungal infection of the scalp and hair
    • Tinea barbae, fungal infestation of facial hair
    • Tinea faciei (face fungus), fungal infection of the face
  • Other superficial mycoses, not classical ringworm, since not caused by dermatophytes, including:
    • Tinea versicolor, caused by Malassezia furfur
    • Tinea nigra, caused by Hortaea werneckii
  • Very common
  • The word "ringworm" is a MISNOMER, sicne the cause is fungal, and NOT by parasitic worms
  • Up to 20% of the population may be infected by dermatophytes at any given time
  • It is especially common among people who play sports involving skin-to-skin contact, wrestling in particular. Wrestlers with ringworm may be withheld from competition until their skin condition is deemed noninfectious by the proper authorities

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