Definition of "Respiratory rate"

Last modified: 2 days

Respiratory rate (RR) is the number of breaths taken in a minute.

Patient information

What is respiratory rate?
It's the rate of respiration, so the speed at which we breathe in 1 minute.

  • Bradypnea, a low respiratory rate (<12 bpm)
  • Eupnea, a normal respiratory rate (12-20 bpm)
  • Tachypnea, an increased respiratory rate (>20 bpm)
Reference ranges
Age RR
Birth-6 weeks 30-60bpm
<6mo 25-40bpm
<3yo 20-30bpm
<6yo 18-25bpm
<10yo 17-23bpm
Adults (10yo+) 12-20bpm
Elderly 65yo+ 12-28bpm
Elderly 80yo+ 10-30bpm

Patient information

The speed of breathing is normally 12-20 beats per minute?
At the extremes of age, it is higher. And particularly higher in kids <6mo. So it can be as high as 60bpm at birth, until you're over 10 years old, when you reach the adult rate. Also, when you're elderly, so over 65yo, and then it gets even faster as you age.

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