Definition of "Tachypnea"

Last modified: 2 days

Tachypnea (from Greek meaning "rapid breathing" is abnormally rapid breathing. At rest, RR is 12-20 bpm, and tachypnea is >20bpm.

Patient information

What is tachypnea?
Fast breathing. Breathing is normally 12-20 breaths per minute, so it's fast if it's over 20 breaths per minute. So that's more than 1 breath every 3 seconds.

  • Physiological, including:
    • Exercise
    • Labor during pregnancy
    • Children, naturally, which decline rapidly during the first 3 years of life, and then steadily until 18yo
  • Pathological, where it is a Sx of respiratory distress, including:
    • CO poisoning → oxygen delivery blocked
    • Pneumonia

Patient information

What causes fast breathing rate?
It can be normal, due to exercise, when giving birth, or in kids. It can also be abnormal, so carbon monoxide poisoning, or pneumonia, so it's usually something breathing system related.

  • Newborn (<2mo): >60bpm
  • Infant (2mo-1yo): >50bpm
  • Preschool (1-5yo): >40bpm
  • School aged: >30bpm
  • Adults: >20bpm

Source: FP notebook

Patient information

You mentioned that fast breathing is >20 breaths per minute?
Sort of. It's not that straightforward though. In those <2mo, it's >60bpm. In those <1yo it's >50bpm. In those <5yo it's >40bpm. In school aged, it's >30bpm. And in adults, it is then >20bpm. So it's normal to breathe faster when you're younger, up to 3 times as fast, and that goes down as you age.

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