Definition of "Blood pressure"

Last modified: over 2 years

Blood pressure is pressure of arterial blood against the vessel wall. Mainly caused by the pumping action of the heart, and thus decreases further away from the heart.

Patient information

What is blood pressure? It's the pressure of blood, but isn't this contained in the blood vessel?
Blood is contained in vessels, it's moving, and it's a fluid. It keeps moving because it needs to carry oxygen throughout the body. So it's the pressure of blood against it's walls. It's pumping is strongest immediately after blood pumps out of the heart, and is the weakest when it returns to the heart.

  • Measured at a person's upper arm, specifically, at the brachial artery

Patient information

How do you measure the pressure of blood?
You measure it in the upper arm, specifically, at the brachial artery.

What is the brachial artery?
It's the major blood vessel of the upper arm, it continues from the axillary artery, and continues down the inside part of the arm, until it reaches the cubital fossa at the elbow. There, it divides into the radial and ulnar arteries, which can be found in the inner and outer portions of the arm, respectively.


Measurement involves:

  • Diastolic, the minimum pressure, which should be 60-80 in adults
  • Systolic, the maximum pressure, which should be 90-120 in adults

Reference ranges include:

Age Systolic Diastolic
Infants 0-1yo 75-100 50-70
Toddlers and preschoolers 1-5yo 80-110 50-80
School age 6-12yo 85-120 50-80
Adolescents 13-18yo 95-140 60-90
  • Hypotension is a BP< normal. Severe hypotension can deprive organs of oxygen and nutrients, causing life threatening circulatory shock
  • Hypertension (HTN) is a BP> normal
Doppler systolic to diastolic ratio
  • Doppler systolic to diastolic ratio (Doppler SD) measures blood flow from maternal circulation, to the placenta
See also

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