Definition of "Oxytocin"

Last modified: over 2 years

Oxytocin (Oxt) is a drug and hormone that acts as a neuromodulator in the brain, used in sexual reproduction of both sexes, in particular during and after childbirth. An example of synthetic oxytocin is Syntocinon.

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Oxytocics are drugs relatd to oxytocin. Drugs that are indirect oxytocinergics include:

  • 5-HT1A receptor, a protein responsible for inducing the secretion of oxytocin
  • Serotonergic, a drug which acts upon serotonin and 5-HT1AR, resultin gin oxytocin release
  • Cause contraction of the uterus, thus used to:
    • Induce labor (start labor)
    • Augmentation (increase the speed of labor), which is the process of facilitating further labor. It can be used to increase the rate of vaginal delivery in those wiht a slow progress of labor
    • Stop PPH (bleeding following delivery), specifically, prevention and Tx of uterine atony
  • Used by injection by IM or IV
  • Produced by the hypothalamus, and stored in the posterior pituitary gland
  • Released due to stretching of the cervix and uterus during labor, and with stimulation of the nipples from breastfeeding
  • It helps with birth, bonding with the baby, and lactation (milk production)
Side effects
  • Excessive contraction of the uterus, that can cause distress in an unborn baby
  • Maternal:
    • Nausea
    • Bradycardia (slow HR)
    • Water intoxication
    • Uterus rupture, due to excessive dose
See also
  • Uterotonics (category)
  • Tocolytic (antonym)

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