Definition of "Chest x-ray"

Last modified: 6 days

Chest x-ray (CXR) is used to Dx conditions involving the chest wall, and structures within the thoracic cavity, including the lungs (esp. pneumonia, job-related lung disease), heart (esp. heart failure), and the great vessels.

  • Employs x-rays (ionizing radiation) to generate images of the chest. The mean radiation dose to an adult chest is 2 mrem for PA, and 8 mrem for a LL
  • CXR can be taken:
    • PA (posterior-anterior), x-rays entering from the back, showing a front view
    • AP, x-rays entering from the front. AP is harder to read, so is only used where Pt can't do a PA
    • Lateral, image taken whilst Pt raises both arms. It includes LL (left lateral)

CXR is to be analyzed by looking at:

  • Airways
  • Bones, for rib fracture
  • Cardiac silhoutte, for cardiac enlargement
  • Diaphragm
  • Edges, for pneumothorax, pleural thickening or plaques
  • Fields of the lung
  • Amongst the most common films taken
See also
  • X-ray

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