Definition of "Breast abscess"

Last modified: 1 day

Breast abscess is a collection of pus that develops into the breast, with different causes.

Risk factors
  • >30yo
  • Primi
  • Late delivery
  • Direct trauma to breast tissue, like mastitis
  • Although there was no correlation w/ smoking, this may be due to fewer smoking women choosing to breastfeed
  • The diagnosis can usually be made based on physical exam, by placing an ultrasound probe over the breast
  • If the doctor is unsure whether the mass is an abscess or tumor, a breast ultrasound may be performed, which can give a clear image of breast tissue, and distinguish between simple mastitis and abscess, or in diagnosing an abscess deep in the breast
  • Cultures can also be taken from material aspirated from an abscess, to determine the type of organism that is causing the infection. Cultures also help to determine the specific type of antibiotics that are useful in curing the disease
  • Abx were shown to be ineffective in prevention of lactation abscess, but is useful to Tx secondary infection
  • During lactation, breast abscess develops rarely, in 0.45% of breastfeeding women
See also
  • Mastitis

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