Definition of "MMSE"

Last modified: 7 minutes

Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) is a brief 30-point questionnaire used to estimate, and track the course (over time) of the severity of cognitive impairment, especially for dementia. It samples arithmetic, memory and orientation.


Points are assigned per category, which include:

  • Orientation to time (5), from broadest to narrowest
  • Orientation to place (5), from broadest to narrowest (to street, even floor)
  • Registration (3), repeating named prompts
  • Attention and calculation (5), serial sevens, or spelling "world" backwards
  • Recall (3), recalling the "Registration" named prompts
  • Language (2), naming a pencil and watch
  • Repetition (1), speaking back a phrase
  • Coimplex commands (6), which can involve drawing figure shown

TPP is shorthand for Time (when it is), Place (where they are), Person (who they are), in relation to assessment of orientation.


Scores of:

  • 24-30: Normal cognition
  • 18-23: Mild to moderate cognitive impairment
  • 17-: Severe cognitive impairment (Unsafe for Pt to live alone)
See also
  • MSE

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