IV cannulation (IVC, aka peripheral venous catheter) is the insertion of a cannula into a vein. Arterial cannulation is a variation involving insertion into an artery (commonly the radial artery) to measure beat-to-beat blood pressure, and draw repeated blood samples.
Patient information
Wait. Catheter, cannula, is it the same thing?
A catheter is plastic. A cannula is metal, so a needle. When you draw blood, you insert the metal bit to puncture, and allow blood flow. However, if you want to keep it there, you don't want to keep a piece of metal there, because it can cause trauma to the blood vessel. So you use a piece of metal to pierce through skin, but you retract it, and only keep plastic in there.
Administering IV fluids
Obtaining blood samples
Administering medicines
In kids, a local anesthetic gel (e.g. lidocaine) is applied ot the insertion site to facilitate placement
Usually placed in a vein on the arm or hand
Introduced into the vein by a needle, similarly to blood drawing, which is subsequently removed, while the small plastic tube of the cannula remains in place. Modern catheters consist of synthetic polymers, e.g. teflon, but in the 1950's were PVC plastic
The catheter is then fixed by taping it ot the patient's skin, unless there is an allergy to adhesives
Newer catheters are equipped with safety features to avoid needlestick injuries
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Needle gauge describes a variety of outer diameters. Note that small gauge numbers indicate larger OUTER diameters. INNER diameter depends on both gauge and wall thickness. Gauges include, starting from the LARGEST to SMALLEST cannulas:
Commercially less available:
7, has outer diameter of 4.572mm
8, has outer diameter of 4.191mm
9, has outer diameter of 3.759mm
10, has outer diameter of 3.404mm
11, has outer diameter of 3.048mm
13, has outer diameter of 2.413mm
Large bores (aka trauma lines), including:
12, has outer diameter of 2.769mm. It is capable of delivering large volumes of fluid very fast, thus popular in ED
14, has outer diameter of 2.108mm. It is a very large cannula, used in resuscitation settings
16, has outer diameter of 1.651mm. It is a mid sized line, used for blood donation and transfusion
18, has outer diameter of 1.270mm. It is an all purpose line for infusion and blood draws
20, has outer diameter of 0.9081mm. It is another all purpose line for infusion and blood draws
22, has outer diameter of 0.7176mm, and an inner diameter of 0.152
22s, has outer diameter of 0.7176mm, and an inner diameter of 0.337
24, has outer diameter of 0.5652mm
26, has outer diameter of 0.4636mm, and an inner diameter of 0.260mm
26s, has outer diameter of 0.4737mm, and an inner diameter of 0.127mm
Commercially less available, since it is odd sizes:
15, has outer diameter of 1.829mm
17, has outer diameter of 1.473mm
19, has outer diameter of 1.067mm
21, has outer diameter of 0.8192mm
23, has outer diameter of 0.6414mm
25, has outer diameter of 0.5144mm
Commercially less available:
27, has outer diameter of 0.4128mm
28, has outer diameter of 0.3620mm
29, has outer diameter of 0.3366mm
30, has outer diameter of 0.3112mm
31, has outer diameter of 0.2604mm
32, has outer diameter of 0.2350mm
33, has outer diameter of 0.2096mm
34, has outer diameter of 0.1842mm
The wall thickness become lower, and therefore the inner diameters become proportionately larger (but still smaller in absolute measure).
Patient information
Sizes. How does it work?
The smaller the gauge, the bigger the size. The larger the gauge, the smaller the size. So it's contrary. Large bore which we use in trauma, because we want blood fast and in large amounts, is 12-14 bore. Transfusion is done with a 16 gauge. Infusion is done with an 18 gauge. And 20 is an all purpose line.
Hematoma (aka bruise, i.e. collection of blood), due to failure to puncture the vein when the cannula is inserted or removed. This can be prevented by selecting an appropriate vein and gently applying pressure slightly above the insertion point on removal of the cannula
Infiltration, where the contents enter the subcutaneous tissue instead of the vein. This can be prevented by selecting an appropriate cannula, and fixing it in place firmly
Embolism, caused by air, thrombus, or fragment of catheter breaking off and entering the venous system, potentially causing PE. This can be prevented by using a smaller cannula
Phlebitis (i.e. inflammation of the vein), caused by mechanical or chemical irritation, or from infection. This can be avoided by carefully choosing the site for cannulation, and checking for entry contents
Infection, which thus should be replaced every 4 days
Extravasation, is accidental administration of IV infused drugs into the extravascular space/tissue around the infusion sites, either by leakage (e.g. because of brittle veins in very elderly Pt's), previous venipuncture (e.g. from blood drawn from lab tests prior to therapy), or direct leakage from mispositioned venous access devices
Given to most ED and surgical patients
In the USA, >25m patients get a peripheral venous line each year
Paperwork for Vascular access device (VAD) care plan includes:
Affix Pt label
Type of device: Tick for PICC, CVC, PORT-A-CATH, MIDLINE, HICKMAN
Date of insertion __/__/____
Inserted by ___
No of cannulation attempts
VAD care plan insertion site, tick Left or Right
Vein, tick for Basilic, Brachial, Femoral, Cephalic, Median, Subclavian, Internal Jugular, Other ___
Placement, tick for SVC, Mid Clavicular, Femoral, Midline, Other ___
Catheter Data, tick for Internal, External, Trimmed; Arrow, Bard, Cook, Other ___; Single Lumen, Doubel Lume, Triple Lumen, Quad Lumen; 3F, 4F, 5F; 20cm, 30cm
Maximum flow ___
PICC arm circumference, tick for 10cm, 15cm above cubital fossa
General guidelines, include No BP or venepuncture above PICC site; no syringe less than 10mL to be used for injecting; observed site daily of infection, swelling, bleeding; do NOT turn fluids off; do NOT disconnect e.g. for showering; make sure all lines are without tension; line change due Monday and Thursday; dressing, Statlock and positive pressure valve (PPV) changes weekly
Table, which for columsn includes Insertion day, Day 1 __/__/____, Day 2 __/__/___, Day 3__/__/____... Day 18 __/__/____, Day 19 __/__/____, Day 20 __/__/____. Rows include External catheter measurement; Arm circumference (for PICC only); site pain (0 to 10); inflammation; swelling; bleeding; dressing, Statlock, PPV change due; IV line change due; signature; and designation
Legend includes N=Nil, S=slight, M=moderate, L=large
See also
French scale
CVC (inserted in a central vein, usualy the internal jugular vein of the neck or the subclavian vein of the chest)
Arterial catheter (placed ina peripheral as well as a centarl artery)
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