Hyperandrogenism (aka androgen excess) is excesive levels of androgens in the body, and the associated effects of these androgens.
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), found in 75% of Pt's w/ PCOS
Excessive production of adrenal or gonadal androgens by adrenal adenomas, carcinomas, or hyperplasia, Leydig cell tumors in men, and arrhenoblastomas in women
Androgen-producing tumors of the gonadds (ovaries), adrenal glands (adrenal tumor), and pitutiary gland (pituitary adenoma)
Precocious puberty, in children
Anabolic steroid exposure
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (late onset)
HRT (female-to-male)
Conn's syndrome
Frequent in adolescent girls, associated with irregular menstrual cycles
In most cases, these Sx are transient and reflect only the imaturity of the HPO axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian) during the 1st years following menarche
Virilization (aka masculinization), which is the biological development of sex differences, including:
Androgenic alopecia (scalp hair loss)
Hirsutism (excessive facial and body hair)
Atyicaly high libido
Breast atrophy
Clitoral enlargement
Increased muscle strength
Frontal hair thinning
Deepening of the voice
Menstrual disruption due to anovulation
Accelerated growth
Pubic hair
Bone maturation
Adult body odor
This is in addition to menstrual disruption, due to anovulation
Mx of hyperandrogenism Sx like androgenic alopecia, include the use of antiandrogens, e.g. cyproterone acetate, spironolactone, and flutamide
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