Definition of "Fundal height"

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Fundal height (aka McDonald's rule) is a measurement of the size of the uterus, as an indication of proper fetal growth/development and amniotic fluid development, during pregnancy. SFH is shorthand for symphysis-fundal height.

  • Measured from the palpable top of the uterus (rounding, using the fifth finger of a flat palm), to the superior edge of the pubic symphysis (cartilaginous prominence, uniting the left and right pubic bones)
  • The top of the uterus (i.e. the fundus) should be able to be located at:
    • Week 12, at the pubic symphysis
    • Week 20, at the umbilicus
    • Week 36, xiphoid process of sternum
    • Week 37-40, regression of fundal height back down to as low as 32cm

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  • Measurement is taken in centimeters, which should roughly correspond to gestational age
    • Fundal height should correspond from 16 weeks gestation forth, but in practice, beginning around 20 weeks' gestation
  • Shorter fundal height, indicates:
    • Fetus descent into the pelvis, normally seen 2-4 weeks before delivery
    • Error in estimated date of pregnancy based on the 1st day of LMP
    • Fetus is physically small, but actually healthy
    • Oligohydramnios
    • Non-longitudinal lie, as fundal height corresponds only for a vertex fetus
    • SGA or IUGR
  • Longer fundal height, indicates:
    • Multiple birth (e.g. twins)
    • Error in estimated date of conception
    • Fetus is physically large, but actually healthy
    • Gestational diabetes causing a larger baby
    • Polyhydramnios
    • LGA
    • Molar pregnancy/hydatidiform mole
    • Breech birth
    • Fundal height may stop correspond after 36 weeks gestation, thereby making it less accurate towards the end of pregnancy
  • Post partum, where:
    • 12 hours after delivery, the fundus is usualy 1cm above the umbilicus
    • Within 1 week, the uterus descends into the pelvis approximately 1-2cm/day, until 7 days when the fundus should be half way between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis
    • This continues until 6 weeks, when the uterus returns to its natural position
  • It is generally recorded for each prenatal visit

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