Fundal height (aka McDonald's rule) is a measurement of the size of the uterus, as an indication of proper fetal growth/development and amniotic fluid development, during pregnancy. SFH is shorthand for symphysis-fundal height.
Measured from the palpable top of the uterus (rounding, using the fifth finger of a flat palm), to the superior edge of the pubic symphysis (cartilaginous prominence, uniting the left and right pubic bones)
The top of the uterus (i.e. the fundus) should be able to be located at:
Week 12, at the pubic symphysis
Week 20, at the umbilicus
Week 36, xiphoid process of sternum
Week 37-40, regression of fundal height back down to as low as 32cm
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Measurement is taken in centimeters, which should roughly correspond to gestational age
Fundal height should correspond from 16 weeks gestation forth, but in practice, beginning around 20 weeks' gestation
Shorter fundal height, indicates:
Fetus descent into the pelvis, normally seen 2-4 weeks before delivery
Error in estimated date of pregnancy based on the 1st day of LMP
Fetus is physically small, but actually healthy
Non-longitudinal lie, as fundal height corresponds only for a vertex fetus
Longer fundal height, indicates:
Multiple birth (e.g. twins)
Error in estimated date of conception
Fetus is physically large, but actually healthy
Gestational diabetes causing a larger baby
Molar pregnancy/hydatidiform mole
Breech birth
Fundal height may stop correspond after 36 weeks gestation, thereby making it less accurate towards the end of pregnancy
Post partum, where:
12 hours after delivery, the fundus is usualy 1cm above the umbilicus
Within 1 week, the uterus descends into the pelvis approximately 1-2cm/day, until 7 days when the fundus should be half way between the umbilicus and pubic symphysis
This continues until 6 weeks, when the uterus returns to its natural position Word of the Day Daily News
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