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2 Periodontics

Periodontal chart:
Gingival recession vs Pocket depth:

Furcation classification:

Periodontitis 2017 classification for staging and grading:

1999 classification:

PSR/CPITN (Community Periodontal Index of Tx Needs): (see Preventative)

Grace & Smales Mobility Index:
Grade 0: No apparent mobility
Grade 1: Perceptible mobility <1mm in buccolingual direction
Grade 2: >1mm but <2mm
Grade 3: >2mm or depressibility in the socket

• Opening of packages, cover on Pt's head, placement of Pt drape w/ clips, threading of extended surgical suction
• Hand hygiene, donning of gloves
• Donning of gown w/ assistance of DA

Implant insertion:
Straumann product catalog
Autoprac: Medical Practice Management Software

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