Dent Assist - Automated Tx Planning

1) Optional: Seek informed consent, and Click the Green button to start the Smart Assistant

2) Paste in the Notes from your consultation:

Framework (011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017; 059, 054 +/- 131, 142) E/O exam I/O exam Occlusal exam Eruption sequence Denture analysis Ix (037, 022 +/- 073, 072) Problem List Tx plan consent
Mx: S/C (111, 114, 121 or 123 per tooth, 165 +/- 221, 222, 250, 251 +/- 113, 171) Perio debridement (221, 222, 250, 251) LA In-Chair Whitening (118 per tooth) Take-Home Whitening (119) Mouthguard (071, 151) OHI (141)
Restorative: Restorative (521 etc or 572 +/- 411, 571, 575, 577, 578) Fissure Sealant (161 per tooth) Stainless Steel Crown SSC (586) Crown prep (022, 061, 071; 613, 615, 618 +/- 625, 627) Crown prep w/ Direct Post (+ 597) Crown prep w/ Indirect Post (+ 597) Crown cementation (551 etc, 651, 652, 653)
Denture: Denture Primary Impressions (071) RPD Secondary Impressions (727 or 721, + 731, 732, 733, 734) Full Denture Secondary Impressions (719, + 733) Wax Rims Addition of Teeth Issue of Denture Denture Review Denture Soft Reline (752, 751) Denture Hard Reline (744 or 745 +/- 741, 753)
Endo: Pulpotomy (414) Extirpation (419) CMP (415, 455 +/- 445) Obturation (417, 457) Single Visit Endo (415, 417)
Surgical: Exo (022; 311 or 314) Exo w/ bone grafting (+243, 244) Surgical Exo (322) Dry Socket Frenectomy (391)
Ortho: Invisalign Consult (037, 036, 022, 071x2) Clincheck r/v (075; 825 per arch) Invisalign Attachment Invisalign IPR (982) Invisalign Attachment w/ IPR Invisalign completion Pre-Bracketing Bracketing (831, 829; 881) Re-Tie Installation of wire (841) Ret check
Implants: Implant Insert Single Stage (688 +/- 679) Implant Insert Two Stage (684 +/- 679) Implant Insert Two Stage Implant R/v Implant Crown Impression (071; 671, 672, 673) Implant Crown Insert
N/v after: 6 Mo Recall
Use our example notes Administration ADA codes


Evaluation of the Usage of Clinical Decision Support Systems to
Increase Categories of Services Useful for Dental Patients

GU Ref No: 2021/693

Who is conducting the research

Why is the research being conducted?
This survey aims to assess the use of clinical decision support systems to increase categories of services useful for dental patients seen by undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.

What you will be asked to do
Your participation in this research through completing and submitting a response to the attached questions about the usage of a Clinical Decision Support System.

The basis by which participants will be selected or screened
Undergraduate and postgraduate dental students in Australia will be eligible for participation.

The expected benefits of the research
The information you provide will be used to help (1) improve our understanding of what clinicians find useful from a Clinical Decision Support System; and (2) how Clinical Decision Support Systems can be tailored to help increase categories of services useful for dental patients.

Risks to you
There is a risk that the information you provide may be incidentally linked with you. The information collected however is mostly quantised, and so these risks should be largely mitigated. The qualitative information sought specifically relates to a research aim

Your consent
What is Personal Information
This research involves the collection, access, storage, and/or use of your personal information which will be kept completely anonymous as researchers will not be able to associate a response with an individual.

How we are going to use your Personal Information
A copy of the data may be used for other research purposes, including publishing openly (e.g., in an open access repository). Your anonymity however will always be safeguarded as researchers will not be able to associate a response with an individual.

Who are we going to give this Personal Information to
The information collected through this survey is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, except to meet government, legal or other regulatory authority requirements. Results of the analysis will be grouped and used to assist in realising the above aims. Access to data will be granted to staff and students in other schools in the Health Group who may benefit from research in clinical decision support systems.

How will this Personal Information be stored
All survey data will be password protected in an electronic file and securely stored in the Research Storage platform for a period of five years before being destroyed. For further information consult the Privacy Plan at or telephone .

Express Consent
By completing and submitting my response to this questionnaire I agree to take part in this survey which is investigating the use of clinical decision support systems to increase categories of services useful for dental patients seen by undergraduate and postgraduate dental students. I acknowledge that I am encouraged to keep a copy of this coversheet for my records.

Online Participation
For the web-based research the web site will securely collect and store your answers on a database stored in Australia. The web site may collect information including time of access, duration, your IP address, and from that geolocation.

Copyright Consent
Where you provide written comments or opinions and these are required to be published as part of the research, copyright consent is sought from you to use these comments.

Your participation is voluntary
I understand that I can voluntarily choose not to participate in part and/or all of the survey and can withdraw at any stage. I am aware that the results of this survey will be kept completely confidential, and that no information will be collected to identify me.

Questions / further information / Feedback to you
If you would like additional information about this project or its findings, please contact

The ethical conduct of this research
If you have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of this research please contact the Manager, Research Ethics

Student ID:
Your Student ID will be stored as a hash meaning that we do not have the detail of your Student ID, although if you provide us with your Student ID, we are able to link that Student ID with a record
Date: Sun Jul 7, 2024


Evaluation of the Usage of Clinical Decision Support Systems to
Increase Categories of Services Useful for Dental Patients

(GU Ref No: 2021/693)

1) Which state is your university based in:

2) Circle which category you are in:

3) What is your student ID: (This information will be hashed, stored for quality and review purposes)

Answer these questions based on a scale where 1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree:
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly agree
4) Do you view that the CDSS recommended codes that you wouldn’t otherwise have undertaken?
5) Did the CDSS increase the array of options that you could offer?
6) Did you find the CDSS improved your overall time management?
7) Did the CDSS recommend an item you performed for the first time?
8) Did you find the ordering of codes from most to least important useful?
9) Do you plan to continue using this CDSS in the future?
10) Would you recommend this CDSS for usage to a friend?
11) How many options did you accept from the CDSS recommendations?

12) Do you have any recommendations to improve the CDSS program?

13) Do you consent to having your survey response used for academic research purposes?

Thank you for your participation!

Additional information collected as part of your survey:

14) How many options did the CDSS recommend?

15) Time elapsed on web page?

16) Alphabeticalized consultation voice key words

17) Alphabeticalized consultation case key words

18) Hashed internet protocol address (stored for quality and review purposes)
Autoprac: Medical Practice Management Software

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