Definition of "Mumps"

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Mumps (aka epidemic parotitis) is a highly contagious disease caused by the mumps virus. It spreads rapidly among people living in close quarters.

Patient information

What is mumps? It sounds like a bump?
Sort of. So there aren't bumps, in terms of a rash. But, there is are swollen salivary glands. It's pretty contagious. It's caused by the mumps virus.

  • Initially:
    • Fever
    • Muscle pain
    • Headache
    • Feeling tired
  • Up to 48 hours later:
    • Painful swelling of the salivary glands (clasically the parotid gland, found in 95% of cases)
    • Painful testicular swelling, which can cause sterility
    • Rash

Sx in adults are often more severe than kids

Patient information

What happens in the swollen salivary gland disease, caused by the mumps virus?
Initially, flu-like symptoms, so fever, muscle pain, headache, tiredness. Later on, there can be painful swelling of the salivary glands, swelling of the testicles, and a rash.

  • Transmitted by respiratory droplets, direct contact, or contaminated objects
  • Sx occur 14-18 days after exposure
  • Pt's are infectious a few days before the onset of Sx
  • Self limiting, running its course before receding
  • No specific Tx
  • Sx control, with:
    • Pain medications
    • Fever reduction, e.g. paracetamol
  • Preventable, by vaccination
  • Hospitalization is required if meningitis or pancreatitis develops
  • After ilness, lifelong immunity is conferred; reinfection is possible, but tends to be mild and atypical
  • Following vaccination, has declined by 96%
  • Before vaccination, it was a common childhood disease
  • It is still common in developing countries
  • Outbreaks occur occasionally in developed countries
  • Notifiable disease

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