Definition of "Ventouse"

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Ventouse (from French meaning "suction cup", aka vacuum extraction, VE) is a method to assist delivery of a baby, using a vacuum device.

Patient information

What is ventouse?
It's where you use a vacuum to deliver a baby.

So that's like a vacuum cleaner? You suck it out?
Yep !

  • Maternal cervix has to be fully dilated
  • Head engaged in the birth canal
  • Head position known

Patient information

Why would you use a vacuum to suck bub out?
If 2nd stage is taking ageees, which is when you're fully dilated, so that's >10cm. It should normally take 2 hours for a new mom, or 1 hour for a mom who's previously given birth. If an epidural is being used we allow for an extra 1 hour. Or if bub is distressed. Or if mom has any illness where pushing for a long time or bearing down is risky to her health.

  • Woman is placed in the lithotomy position, and assists by pushing
  • Suction cup is placed onto the head of the baby, and the suction draws the skin from the scalp into the cup. It si important to correctly place the cup directly over the flexion point, about 3cm anterior from the occipital/posterior fontanelle
  • The device has handles to allow for traction
  • When the baby's head is delivered, the device is detached
  • Episiotomy may not be required
  • Mother still takes an active role in the birth
  • No special anesthesia is required
  • Force applied to the baby can be less than that of a forceps delivery, and leaves no marks on the face
  • Less potential for maternal trauma, compared to forceps and C section
  • Breech position
  • Premature births

Patient information

When wouldn't you use a vacuum to suck bub out?
If bub's foot is coming out first. Or if bub is super young.

  • Chignon, a temporary lump on its head
  • Cephalohematoma
  • Subgaleal hemorrhage
  • Generally safe
  • Can have negative effects on either the mother or child
  • If it fails, delivery may be required by forceps or C section
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