Definition of "Urinary catheterization"

Last modified: 3 days

[Urinary] catheterization is the insertion of a urinary catheter (i.e. latex, polyurethane or silicone tube) that is inserted into a Pt's bladder via the urethra. Usually a practitioner performs the procedure, but self-catheterization is also possible.

Patient information

What is urinary catheterization?
Catheter is a thin tube. So a urinary catheter is a way in which you can get urine through a tube.

How do you collect urine through a tube?
You enter the tube through the urethra, which is the tube that connects the bladder to the outside world. The catheter is pushed up to, to drain, the bladder. The bladder, is the muscular sac which receives and stores urine from the kidneys, before it is excreted.

  • Allows the Pt's urine to drain freely from the bladder for collection
  • Used to inject liquids used for Tx or Dx of bladder conditions

Patient information

Why would you want to drain the body's urine store, through a tube?
It lets the patient to drain all of their urine freely. And it can also be used the other way, not to collect, but to give liquids, which can help diagnose or treat things relating to the bladder.

  • Length:
    • Permanent (aka indwelling catheter, IDC, Foley catheter)
    • Intermittent catheter, removed after each catheterization
  • Location:
    • Suprapubic catheter (SPC)
Side effects
  • Long-term catheterization carries a significant risk of UTI's → catheterization is last resort for Mx of incontinence
  • Sepsis (blood infection)
  • Urethral injury
  • Skin breakdown
  • Bladder stones
  • Hematuria
  • Bladder cancer, after many years of catheter use
See also

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