Definition of "Orthostatic hypotension"

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Orthostatic hypotension (aka postural hypotension, orthostasis, head rush, dizzy spell) is hypotension where a Pt's BP falls when suddenly standing up or stretching.

  • Fall in systolic BP, of 20mmHg+, or diastolic BP of 10mmHg+, when a Pt assumes a standing position
  • Caused by blood pooling in the lower extremities upon a change in body position
  • It is often associated with shock, although not necessarily indicative of it
  • For some people who exercise and are in top physical condition, low blood pressure is a Sx of good health and fitness
  • For many patients, excessively low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting, or indicate serious heart, endocrine, or neurological disorders
  • Severely low blood pressure can deprive the brain and other vital organs of oxygen and nutrients, causing life threatening shock
  • Quite common
  • Can occur briefly in anyone, prevalent in particular among the elderly, and those w/ low BP
See also
  • Hypotension (category)

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