Definition of "Body temperature"

Last modified: 1 hours

Body temperature (shorthand Temp) is measured by a thermometer.


It depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Location of measurement, typically from highest to lowest, being internal (rectal, vaginal), oral, and then skin. Typical internal temperature (gold standard to measure core temperature) is 37° C, or slightly cooler at 36.8 °C ± 0.4 °C
  • Time of day, varying during the day by about 0.5 °C, with temperatures lower in the morning, and higher in the afternoon/evenings. Body temperature also tends to be lowest in the 2nd half of the sleep cycle
  • Activity level of Pt
  • Hunger
  • Sleepiness
  • Cold
  • Hypothermia, is <35 °C
  • Normal, is 37 ± 0.5 °C
  • Fever and Hyperthermia, is >37.5 °C. The difference between Fever and Hyperthermia is whereas Fever is an increase in the temperature setpoint that the body attempts to maintain, Hyperthermia is the production/absorption of more heat than it can dissapate.
  • Hyperpyrexia, is >40 °C

Thermometers, to take a patient's temperature, in various sites, including:

  • Rectal, in the anus
  • Oral, in the mouth
  • Axillary, under teh arm
  • Tympanic, in the ear
  • Vaginal, in the vagina
  • In the bladder
  • On the skin of the forehead over the temporal artery
See also

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