Definition of "Defibrillation"

Last modified: 3 hours

Defibrillation is Tx for life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmias and ventricular fibrillation.

  • Delivering a therapeutic dose of electrical energy to the heart, with a defibrillator
  • The defib depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the dysrhythmia, and allows normal sinus rhythm to be reestablished by the SA node (the body's natural pacemaker)
  • External, including:
    • AED's (automated external defibrillators), which automate the Dx of treatable rhythms, meaning that lay responders or bystanders can use them successfully with little or no training at all
  • Transvenous
  • Implanted (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator)
See also
  • Life support

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