Childbirth is the expulsion of newborn(s) from a woman's uterus, following a period of pregnancy. Full term is when childbirth usually occurs, about 39-40 weeks after conception. Early term is just...
Nasal endoscopy
Nasal endoscopy (rhinoscopy, nasoscopy, nasoendoscopy, sinus endoscopy) is the use of a rhinoscope (i.e. thin, tube-like instrument) to examine the inside of the nose. [faq]What is the nasal endoscopy? Before we get to...
Gynecomastia is benign enlargement of breast tissue in males. Up to 70% of adolescent boys have some breast development during puberty, but 75% of cases resolve within 2 years without Tx....
Anemia (from Greek "an" meaning "not", and "heme" meaning "blood") is a decrease in the number/quality, of RBC/hemoglobin, thereby reducing the oxygen carrying ability of blood, and thus causing lack of...
Growth chart
Growth charts are used by pediatricians to follow a child's growth over time. Method They compare specific measurements of a child compared with expected parameters of children of the same age/gender, including: Prenatal/intrauterine,...
Visceral pain
Visceral pain is pain due to activation of nociceptors of the thoracic, pelvic, or abdominal viscera (organs). Sx Pain that is: Diffuse Difficult to localize Sickening Deep Squeezing Dull Referred to a distant, usually superficial, structure Nausea Vomiting Changes in vitals Emotional manifestations Pathophysiology Visceral...
Peptic ulcer
Peptic ulcer [disease] is a break in the lining of the stomach (aka stomach ulcer) [or even the first part of the small intestine (aka duodenal ulcer), or the lower esophagus]. [faq]What is a...
Hepatitis (from Greek "hepat" meaning "liver", and "itis" meaning "inflammation) is inflammation of the liver, characterized by presence of inflammatory cells in the liver tissue. It is acute when lasting <6mo,...
Rhinorrhea (from Greek "rhino" meaning "nose", and "rrhea" meaning "discharge or flow", aka runny nose) is where the nasal cavity is filled with significant amounts of mucus. The condition is...
Hypothermia is body core temperature <35°C. [faq]What is hypothermia? Low body temperature. Normal temperature is 37°C ± 0.5°C. Low body temperature is strictly below 36.5, but we don't call it hypothermia until it hits below...
Definition count: 2819
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